get your property valued by qualified local surveyor

Do you need an independent valuation?

Call us on 07970167438

Get a thorough Survey done

Homebuyer / Home Survey reports or Building surveys are strongly recommended when you are considering purchasing older properties, as they can identify defects and other issues, such as damp and structural movement. Our associate Building Surveyors James Murray, MRICS, RMaPS and Ashley Halton Assoc.ARICS SAVA DipRSV both have over 30 years experience of carrying out surveys of this type.

property survey by

We provide

  • Home Surveys
  • Building Surveys
  • Condition surveys
  • Schedules of dilapidation
  • Defect analysis
  • Damp checks
  • Maintenance information
ltssurvey rent agreement

Renting out a property?

Then it would be advisable to obtain a schedule of dilapidation, especially if you are a lessee who intends to lease a commercial property on a full repairing and insuring lease.